This delightful little pocket park, complete with a gazebo and extensive plantings, is located at the beginning of the WB&A Trail at the intersection
of Odenton Road and Piney Orchard Parkway in Odenton. A once empty corner of weeds has been transformed since 2007 into a lovely place to stop and rest. This town has a rich railroad history. From this spot you can see the original rails that in 1874 served to make Odenton the hub of railroad activity. This town served as the junction for the WB&A Inter-Urban Railroad and the Annapolis Elkridge Railroad, later known as the South Shore Line. Both lines merged in 1908 and became known as the WB&A Railroad. Odenton will once again serve as an important urban transportation hub as the nexus of the WB&A and South Shore Trails. Local businesses, individuals, grants and help from The Friends of Anne Arundel County Trails sponsored this park.